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ISO 50001: 2018 Energy Management System
ISO 50001 documents system requirements to help your organisation manage its energy usage focusing on significant areas of consumption and the identification of opportunities for improvement and reduction.
Structured in a similar manner to ISO 14001 and based on the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle the Energy Management System (EnMS) standard provides a framework to assist organisations:
Undertake an energy review and establish a baseline for energy consumption.
Complete an Energy Policy
Identify energy objectives and targets
Establish and implement an energy action plan.
Ensure regulatory compliance.
Monitor energy performance and progress in achieving action plan.
Involvement of Top Management in Energy Management.
Ensure that energy management is integrated into the day to day running and culture of organisation.
For organisations which have already implemented ISO 14001, ISO 9001 or ISO 45001 the EnMS can be integrated into the current management system procedures and processes helping to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions.
Benefits of ISO 50001:
Future energy supply identification and risk management
Energy performance monitoring and identification of opportunities for improved efficiencies.
Improved staff awareness and behaviour to reduce energy consumption.
Reduction in costs by reducing energy consumption and meeting government targets.
Promote energy efficiency through the supply chain.
Improved environmental performance and reduced carbon emissions.
Improved media image and PR opportunities.
Demonstration of energy and environmental commitments to staff, stakeholders, customers and regulators.
How can the Green Business Centre help your business?
Undertake gap analysis of your current system to compare against ISO 50001 requirements.
Assist with development of the Energy Management System and related policies and procedures.
Identify opportunities to reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Provide assistance in identifying possible government financial support (loans, grants etc).